Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Motion.

Well.  It's official.  I'm finally beginning personal transition.  Not only in specific regards to my current stasis of being out of a 2.5 year relationship, but just in regards to what I want out of things.  Which I've talked about in various layers.  Same thing but a new detail each time sort of deal.

As a wonderful friend of mine put it, I'm finally having some emotional reserve for myself.  Part of me will always feel sad in a way to see this huge chapter close but I can tell you I am just as excited to transition into the next one.  I'm not so much living in the past like I love to do but taking what was along with me and preparing to collage the new right on top.  Not so much so that my past becomes encased and sealed away, but so that the layers keep on building and expanding over time.  This in a weird way is the kind of complexity I was subconsciously hoping for, and so I'm just gonna ride it till it's time to catch another wave and then whoop and holler my way to shore and get the bonfire party really lit up.  Man I can't wait for that day.

So!  To start off, here is the current state of my "room":

Yes, that is my See's uniform you see in the forefront on the left.  I'll probably be bringin it back come Fall.  It's good money.

I can install hooks and things along the wooden beams overhead and hang some pretty sweet lanterns or something if I so choose.  I'm still working on figuring out what I'd like to get as far as lighting goes.

The shelves to the right of my dresser were already there, so I can turn that into something for later on...

This little nook I'm MOST excited about.  I can't wait to stuff it with more music gizmos once I figure out how to get the most out of my keyboard.  And I wanna get the most out of making and having shelving space as much as is humanly possible.  

There is so much rawness to where I'm at right now...and maybe I'm being all head in the clouds, maybe I'm overshooting...but really I want this to be my creative space.  I'll stop being so self centered soon, I promise.  I even make myself gag on occasion. :P

I would like to figure out how something like this is accomplished.  Stencils and layering...this is the kind of vibe I'd like to have set up.  Maybe not quite with the dead fish, but this is what I was thinking in terms of what I wanna put on my concrete walls.  There will probably be hot ladies or something, I'd imagine.

Well, there's my day in the life.  And some of my thoughts a bit, art wise.  I'll try to talk more about that later. ;)  


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