Sunday, April 3, 2011

Just Dance

It figures that just when I start getting into the realm of really wanting to dance (not just club dance, but stylistic dancing...) one of my jobs starts pooping out on me.  So I'm back to applying for work in hopes that I can just have a regular joe schmoe job that will help me pay the bills and I can still get my butt through school.   But my thoughts on that are for a whole other rant entirely.

So last night I did Bollywood dancing for the first time.  I really wasn't doing Bollywood at all, just dancing how I felt to the music that was being played.  My heart will gradually skip more beats the more I look to see where DJ Anjali is playing.  She's a lovely soul, and is so into the music she spins that it was hard not to appreciate everything about the night.

And the fact that I had a hot date didn't hurt either.  Which, by the by, I've found that the girl is even more smokin' hot if she is actually down for the sweating that happens when one is dancing up a storm.  By that I mean if I'm gonna dance as hard as I love to do and sweat like I do...and actually be called sexy for it...well then you have my attention for as long as you want.  Or for as many dances that we have together.

I love to dance and put everything I have into the movements.  Whether it's a martial arts form, sparring, or working on martial arts drills, it all boils down to being a kind of dance.  It can leave you tired so good it's about the equivalent of post sex euphoria or will get you so jazzed you'll want to wrestle a bear.  Maybe you'll just be sweaty tired happy just for moving your body to where the rhythm took you.

There's a reason massage therapists comment on how well my hips move when checking for anything muscle or joint related on my body.

Now, back to Bollywood.

As I said, I wasn't really dancing specifically to the Bollywood style, because all I knew was that it was a crazy Indian musical extravaganza that's been around since the 50s, with the films lasting about 3 hours with intermission.  The reason why these movie/musical deals are as long as they are is because Indian people expect the whole she-bang when it comes to paying to see entertainment on the big screen.  A dance number of some sort, as well as love interests and dare devil thrills are things that absolutely must be included in the film.  It's pretty intense.

Long story short, it was just a blast.  I hope I can do more.

What I would also really like to do is go blues and tango dancing.  Yes there is the idealized sexiness of it all, and the fact that I've actually gone blues dancing a few times and participated in the sexy is just too much to resist.  How can you not feel like a Sassy McSasserson when you've got dancing game?  There's only so much to be won from being able to drop it like it's hot, but to be able to apply specific dance techniques that's about joining your very skeleton to the notes that hit the floor with intention and damn near animalistic base sensual drive?  You tell me where there isn't room to be so hypnotized by something as captivating as this.

But...all in good time.  Where there's a will there's a way and where there's music you can bet your sweet ass I'll be there shakin' my booty to it all until I drop from exhaustion.


Winlee said...

I, personally, love Bollywood. And I think it definitely has a sexiness about it. Plus the women are seriously smokin'. But you are right, there is a sexiness to rhythm to the music, especially dedication. Why does the entire world think that dancers are hot? Because THEY ARE and they train to be.

Good post. Glad to see more positivity vibing from ya.

T said...

I concur!

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