Saturday, March 19, 2011


So, being that I all of a sudden have vast amounts of time on my hands (pfft) I am slowly but surely re-working my place here in the blogosphere.  Now...while I could devote my material to a specific theme like most bloggers do to get their hobbies and pride n' joys out there for the world to see, I have way too many interests.  And it doesn't make a whole lot of sense to devote one particular blog to said interests unless I've really been gunning for certain habits which would then require (out of common courtesy) me to filter my fandom into its own little interwebby cubicle of awesome.

Another problem with having as many interests as I do is that it is a guarantee I will accomplish none of these things to the fullest unicorn-like existentially orgasmic extent that I would like them to be.  I am indeed a Gemini full force, with a million miles an hour attention span coupled with a million miles an hour IRL (in real life) schedule.

Dilemma?  Maybe.

That, and there's that whole get outside into the real world and interact with real humanoids type...thing.  Adventures are good, wanna decorate my brain more.  Kind of like the space pod in Little Big Planet.  With doodles and bobbles and whiz-whams or clawm-foozles in harlequin and sparkle spandex while riding a fantastically muscular unicorn breathing glitter  fire from its nostrils.

Yeeaaaa glitter fire.

I had a point...somewhere...

Ah yes!  Before my brain collapses infinitely into potential cold doom, my point was that I will plan to blog more.  I've become much more inspired artistically and intellectually with the various news articles and tumblr feeds I've come across (my tumblr btw is  It's stretched my noodle to magnanimously laffy taffy sized proportions, for which I am eternally grateful (which makes it fair game to warn you that my brain has become more dangerous to traipse around in.  Ask my roomies).

This also means that I will be adding and subtracting to the blogs I follow (and will try to keep track of as well), which is another reflection of my interests as they bumble along like bumblers do.

Which reminds me.  I need to blog about this amazing old lady I met today.


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