Saturday, November 27, 2010

Hello....November. *glare*

No longer funemployed!  Huzzah!

I'm working seasonal at See's Candy, and will be bouncing back and forth between Pioneer Place and the Lloyd location.  They're letting me shadow folks early because all the paperwork's been done.  Yay!  And another good thing is that since I've been hired by them, I have a consistent part time job until..well, until I have a job that doesn't require me to need See's anymore.  Which may or may not happen, we'll see. :)  It's strictly seasonal, as far as I can tell, so here's to hoping that someone loves me enough to get the ball rolling.  Time to memorize 100+ different candies and then sample/sell them to you!  Ha.

Currently waiting on a potential Prep Cook position with this daycare learning center, and it basically gives me total autonomy over the kitchen to set the menu, do the ordering from CSAs and local produce folks so that I can feed little ones family style.  It's a pretty big to do, and for some reason I can't stop talking about it.  Maybe because of the good pay and that after 90 days I get a potential raise and benefits kick in.  Could I have this job?  Please?

On another plus side if I DON'T get this job then I have the chance to be a nanny for the boss of the learning center's kids.  Either way it's a win win situation.  But the benefits would be nice.  I've also got two other nanny families that may work out, and therefore...the lineup of work that's coming my way is a little shocking and kind of humbling.  Or really humbling.  Never thought I could have such a solid string of interviews, what with how the Oregon unemployment rate is going.

I'm moving too, in case you didn't know.  But only 20 blocks away from where I'm living now.  Which is pretty neat, and the duplex unit me and the boys are moving into is pretty fantastic.  Three levels, our own private basement....*happy sigh* it's enough to warm the cockles of my tiny, tiny heart. ;)  One bathroom, a shallow  sink (seriously, Portland, can you NOT have a fucking shallow sink in any of your rental units?!?) again, and the paint job is pretty cute, too.  Feels like I'm living inside a mint green easter egg.  It's the love that counts.

My art has become non-existent, much as I want it to not be so.  And I'm not going to count the schoolwork and final projects that I've neglected for the past several weeks.  Really pulling my weight here. :P

Friends are coming and going in this town, and tonight's a going away party for the lovely Brittany.  I'm sure she'll be back soon, but for now she'll spend her winter in Puerto Rico working for her aunt's restaurant and staying away from the icky cold.  I'm both jealous and yet at the same time content with where I'm at right now.

I should start making some goals pretty soon.  The usuals of course pertain to exercise, boosting my artwork, annnnd.....something something something.  With all the videogames that are played in the house I'll probably try to stick to one and finish it.  There are quite a few unfinished files in several games.  And it comes from just getting distracted, needing to take a break and forgetting to come back to it...and so on.

Currently what's on the brain is getting enough money to cover the move in fees, pay off some school debts, find a consistent job, moving, annnd....well, you get the idea.  It's taking up a lot of my head space.  Not much time for funsies.  Catch you on the flip side.


Maura said...

I like that you have found another job selling chocolate... (can I have some free samples for Christmas??)

But really, congrats on the new place and all the job interviews! I hope you find something awesome. :)

T said...

Thanks! :) And as for See's, anytime you walk in you can ALWAYS get a free sample. It's our motto. You can even have as many as you want, but you have to finish the sample in your hand first. Or throw it away. At least that's what I understand it to be. :D The chocolates individually are dirt cheap, though, compared to Moonstruck. Looking forward to seeing you when you get back into town!

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